Monday, December 22, 2014

We Did It!

We finally finished our basement reno! After alot of time, late nights with a contractor who preferred to start at 6pm most days, and a few heated ... discussions about the budget we finished our basement playroom. I will admit that it is a bit much for a two year old with no siblings, but I love it and had decided that if we were going to do it we just needed to do it and be done with it.

I think it was the absolute best choice. I'd love to know your thoughts!

 We solved our dangerous ledge problem by adding a row of shelving down the walls. It allows for awesome storage and a pretty nice way to hide the 2 feet of cinder block before the dry wall starts. In the corner you can see the awesome play kitchen our neighbors gave our daughter when their kids outgrew it.

This is a full look at the room. I'll post more detailed pics and a tour of the ceiling soon!